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8 months

Eight Months.

Eight months that we’ve been trying to get pregnant.

Eight times that I’ve prayed and wished and hoped that I wouldn’t start my cycle that month.

Eight months that I’ve watched nearly everyone around me have a child or get pregnant (and it really is amazing how many people are having babies when you want it so bad and can’t)

According to the doctor’s and all the lab work and ultra sounds I’m healthy and normal.  In fact, we did get pregnant once (that’s another post for another day) but lost the baby after two months.

It shouldn’t shock anyone that knows me that I want this more than anything else.  Sometimes I just cry thinking that I may not be able to carry a child.  Then I stop and pray and realize that God is in control.  And I get that. I do. I just wish he would move his timetable up a little bit sooner for me…. give me a little clue… give me a little peace.

Here’s to hoping we won’t have another 8 months of waiting.


Got some new bling!

I know, I know, I’m so “cool!” I literally used the word “bling” in a text to my friend today!  I went to get my hair cut and colored today (love it by the way!) and they were having an Origami Owl party!

Have you seen these?

Origami Owl Necklaces

So freaking adorable, right??

So, here’s the concept:

You pick your locket, your charms and your chain and anything else you want to add (cute dangle charms, plates to put in the back, etc) and then you have your very own locket that’s a story all about you!

The story is so cute, the founder, Bella, wanted to earn some more to buy a car so she started making some lockets and selling them to friends and family—now she has a business of thousands!

Of course, I knew I HAD to have one! they are too cute to not have one yourself!

So, I picked out a cute silver lockets with crystals and four adorable charms!

 Origami Owl living locket airplane cake computer

I picked the birthday cake because I love baking and parties, the computer because I love technology (especially blogging!) the airplane because I’m in love with flying and the heart because I am so in love with the Husband and it’s a part of who I am!

Here are a few more pictures of my necklace!  The necklaces come in super cute packaging and it looks oh so adorable on me!

Origami Owl Box Origami Owl box

Origami Owl Living Locket

Captain Crunch French Toast and Shopping Fun!

This past weekend we decided to go to see what treasures we could find!  We started out with a hearty breakfast of Captain Crunch French Toast at Mary’s Country Kitchen—let me tell you I wish I could have gone swimming in it!

Captain Crunch French Toast

Then we went shopping! One really nice thing about where I live is that we have cute antique markets.  One of them actually hosts an “Antique Extravaganza” three times a year!  Renningers is on 117 acres and during the big Extravaganza weekends each and every acre is used by vendors!

I found some really cute stuff but really wasn’t in the mood to buy anything.  No problem—there’s always something nice!

Country Christmas Tree Deer

This awesome Christmas tree would be a hunter’s dream!!

Seed Catalog Card Catalog Antique

I WISH I had a seed catalog like this…. even if it wouldn’t really fit in my house.  They used it as a wine holder but I would probably use it to hold craft supplies.

Clear Gas Pump Phillips 66 antique windows antique camera Post Office Box Fronts Antique stained window Refinished Dresser New York Subway Poster Style

How cute is this refinished dresser??!  You could easily remake that!

Do you ever go antique shopping?